Life & Business Blog

Stop Ignoring the Signs! (Life Management Tip)

Written by Sherron Barnhill


September 2, 2024

Just as we have been provided regulatory signs on the roadways to make sure every driver complies with the local laws to ensure safety and comfort for everyone, we also have those same telltale signs in our lives. These signs, in our lives, give us information that we should heed to ensure our safety and protection. However, just like on the roadways these signs are often overlooked, or just outrightly disregarded! And, in many cases, some have felt they have gotten away with just ignoring them because they weren’t caught and did not receive a penalty as a result of disregarding the signs.  In reality,  no one ever gets away with such things ,but instead, this behavior and tendency to disregard important signs and break laws has just conditioned your behavior to continue, thereby, coercing you to believe a penalty will never be assessed until the day it catches up with you in the most undesirable ways. 

Today’s Life Management Tip is to Stop Ignoring the Signs. 

Let’s talk further, we will look at some of the basic signs that you could be ignoring.

I. Stop Signs. To me, this one is the easiest to recognize. It’s simply signaling you to stop and wait! Think about the times in your life in which you knew that you just needed to stop, take a break, or do something entirely different in your life but you didn’t because of your own reasons. Your body was telling you to stop, your circumstances were telling you to stop, and at times there were people around you providing you with all the right advice but you were determined to keep going. In life when you keep zooming past the stop signs, you will run into a place called burnout and it will ultimately reap havoc on your mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional state.

II. Yield Signs. This one instructs us that another driver is coming from the opposite direction and they have the right of way. Many times in life you can fail to yield due to what lies ahead because you have your mind set on what you think is best. Have you taken the time in your life lately to assess how everyone around you is being affected by the things that you should change, or do different in your life? Have you taken the time to evaluate what’s going to be the result of your decisions 1, 5, or even 10 years from now?  I believe a yield in life is very significant because it allows you to assess what’s coming at you so that you don’t live in regret from a choice you could have avoided.  Your ideas are wonderful, your strategies are great, and your opinions are valued, but always pay attention to what, whom, and how they are affecting those who are most important to you and around you.

III. Speed Limit Sign. This sign I deem to be highly important as they all are, it’s just one that speaks in a loud volume. This sign regulates the maximum speed allowed to be driven by law for the area you are in. Don’t live your life riding at the highest speed rushing to get ahead to your destination because you will miss all the important things that add value to your life along the way. The speed limits are there to protect you and everyone else around you, regrets are inevitable if you ignore these signs and speed anyway. It’s never too late to slow down so that you can see, hear, listen, learn, and gather all the nutrients and important lessons in each season of life.

IV. No Turn Sign. This sign is simple but powerful, it plainly illustrates to the driver it’s not safe or viable to make a turn. Distractions are designed to take you off the designated journey for your life. Social media, influences, and external pressures are only there to make you take turns when you are not supposed to. Focus has to be intentional and if you drive while distracted, you may run into what could have been prevented.

V. One-way sign. Lastly, this sign has been designed to improve the flow of traffic and instruct the driver there is only one way to go. Forward is a one-way directive. Even if you have to stop, yield, slow down, go faster,  keep straight, or remain on a road that appears to have no rewards, keep moving forward until you come out on the other side. If you heed and follow the signs that are meant to protect you, not only will you be covered by law, but you will arrive exactly at your destination on time and in great condition.

There are many other signs in life to watch for, but these are the most basic signs that can help you navigate your life in tremendous ways. These signs can help you decipher what’s happening in your life and what you should do when you see them!

As always, 

Believing the Best For Your Life, Business & Success!



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