I hope this blog post finds you well while preparing to enjoy this Festive Fall Season. This is such a wonderful time in the year! The theme of today’s empowerment is: AND YOU CAN TOO!
This Fall, I have some exciting things going on for you here at Procare Solutions Consulting. My hope and intention is to always Equip, Encourage, Motivate & Inspire people to push beyond the barriers in life and pursue what appears to be impossible and beyond their reach. This takes faith and a strong belief to accomplish or achieve your vision because there are so many things that can present themselves as an enemy to your progress.
My journey has afforded me the opportunity to discover what is really possible when you put your faith into action. AND YOU CAN TOO!
I’ve been able to meet many wonderful people on the journey of pursuing my vision. I can remember the first time, I submitted a proposal to a client. I did this TOTALLY by faith! I was working with the client as an employee and was becoming miserable day by day because I knew my time was up and I had reached the capacity of what I could do to help this organization by working inside of the business. I knew I could serve them better as a consultant. I could see things from a different perspective and identify gaps in services and areas that needed improvement to increase revenue and prevent profit loss. However, I was challenged with the decision on how to make this possible because I had to build up the confidence to turn in a resignation and proposal to consult at the same time without devaluing myself in the process. What I didn’t realize is that in the course of me working for this employer as an employee, my past work did all the speaking for me, so when I submitted the proposal and fees, it was accepted immediately. The courage and confidence that I gained from this experience was enough to encourage me to know that All things are possible with God (Matthew 19:26).
See, I wasn’t raised in the city where there are tall buildings and bright lights, opportunities on every corner, but in a small town with a small population of people with the comfort of being in a place where everybody knows somebody. Not that anything is wrong with this, because I am grateful, but that was my norm. However, in my environment I wasn’t exposed to people that were teaching me the possibilities of becoming an entrepreneur or CEO. I honestly don’t think I ever heard of it growing up. I was taught to go to college, get a degree to get a good job with great benefits. Not that there is anything wrong with this either, but God had placed a desire in me for more. Even though at the time, I didn’t understand what this more was, I just knew there was a longing and even though I had a good job for where I was, I wasn’t fulfilled and I didn’t know there were other options available.
I always found myself being the innovator and change agent in my roles at the different jobs I had. I always stepped into my roles doing things different than what was previously done. I have even been asked to hire and train the successor of my roles at some jobs. I promise this is not to paint a picture of grandeur, but to say, I was really good at believing and working hard for someone else but when it came to believing it was possible for me I was challenged in doing so. I was discouraged with a capital D! Going back to my childhood, what I didn’t see, what I didn’t know was possible was now affecting my mindset and thoughts of what is actually possible. But, because I hadn’t seen it, experienced it or been around it, I was challenged when it was time to build my own vision. I literally had to go through a transformation to get to where I am today and because I understand it so well, I am passionate about teaching others the practical strategies, solutions, and principles of faith that I applied to my own Life & Business so you too can build the vision that doesn’t seem possible.
It’s not always a smell the roses type of journey, but I have learned how to Enjoy the journey inspite of and so can you. The resources we develop at Procare Solutions Consulting have been carefully constructed and thought out to really help you Through Your Process no matter your stage or phase in Life!
If any of what I am saying to you resonates with you Today! Please don’t approach another year delaying what you know you should be doing!!
Here is what we have going on for the Fall Season!
#1 – The Builder’s Platform, our Entrepreneur & Business Owner community is NOW Open for Fall 2022 Enrollment.
We now offer Free & Paid Membership Options! To get more specific info on membership perks, go here: https://procaresolutionslc.com/the-builders-platform/
#2 – 2023 Time Management Planner & Planning System Bundle PRE-SALES begin TOMORROW!
Our 2023 Planning System Bundle includes the Time Management Planner for the Entrepreneur + the Time & Seasons planner course. This is your launching pad for success! This instructor guided course is designed to help entrepreneurs walk through the process of planning throughout the year. This course is self-paced and year-long! Content is released every month and season to guide you in planning throughout the year! Take a year to help change your life by changing the way you VIEW and STEWARD your time!
#3 – Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: The Life & Business Consultant @procaresolutionsconsultingÂ
Thanks for reading!
Believing the Best for your Life, Business & Success,